Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Love

From the Realm of Fenway, in Great Valley, NY

This morning, we're being entertained by the residents of the traveling aviary, as tiny flitterers of many colors stop by for breakfast with Chippy the Munk. Fenway presses her nose against the window to check out the action, pacing back and forth, panting with desire. Doggie TV has no commercial breaks. This is her favorite show - one she never misses. Later, we will compose a fan letter for Chippy. It will be full of snuffles and seeds.
 When we go out for a piddle stroll, Fenway adopts several sticks. They are a safe alternative to deer patties. The last favorite stick sits by the door, awaiting rediscovery. I am grateful for it, as its charms lead us back into the house with ease. Now one of us is worn out from traveling and is proud of having been a good girl. Needless to say, it's not me!  Fenway dozes as I watch bluejays, chickadees and the entrance of  Chippy's girlfriends, Charmaine and Lucinda upon the Doggie TV screen.

9 05 2009